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Задание 1 из 18:
There were few books before the printing press. Books were _______.
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Задание 2 из 18:
Here, women have a ______ to see who is the fattest.
Задание 3 из 18:
The ________ of the right goddess follows tradition.
Задание 4 из 18:
Knights had to fall in love with a woman of equal or higher ______.
Задание 5 из 18:
Amundsen reached the South Pole, but he still had the _______ to go to the North Pole.
Задание 6 из 18:
Nurses took care of the sick and _____ people.
Задание 7 из 18:
Sometimes eye shadow _______ because it was made from the shiny shells of small insects.
Задание 8 из 18:
When wine becomes bad and people can’t drink it, it tastes _______, like vinegar.
Задание 9 из 18:
Holmes usually appears cold and ______.
Задание 10 из 18:
When a river rises because of too much rain and flows over, it results in _____.
Задание 11 из 18:
If the four pillars are good for the couple, the two can get ______.
Задание 12 из 18:
Marathon runners must have ______ to run for a long time and not stop.
Задание 13 из 18:
She ________ him to finish his book and send it to a publisher.
Задание 14 из 18:
Rich people had expensive beds to show their ____.
Задание 15 из 18:
There was always a bad smell in the planes because the air could not _______.
Задание 16 из 18:
All new construction in the city had to have the ______ of the city planner.
Задание 17 из 18:
A group of _______ created Timbuktu in the twelfth century.
Задание 18 из 18:
Before and after eating Hindus _____ their mouths, arms and legs.
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Автор теста - Шелемба Елена Алексеевна ГБОУ ДО «ДТДиМ «Севастополец», г. Москва
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